Eng/ Islam Atef

Industrial Automation Engineer

I am an industrial automation engineer; I also managed to accurately recall nearly 5years of work experience. I had the privilege of working for P-N Junction as a Robotics Instructor, after graduation, I participated in an industrial automation scholarship “ITI”, then I worked as PLC technical trainer at I-HUB Ain-Shams University siemens lab for the engineering audience. Then I worked as an industrial automation engineer in the Control Group and made lots of technical support to many of VFDs, Servo drives, and PLCs and made a lot of upgrading the control system for many machines and megaprojects with s7-1500,s7-1200,s7-400, and s7-300. Now I work as a controls engineer in Advansys ESC as a controls engineer.


ترغب بالمساعدة؟
احجز الأن عروض نهاية العام من منصة نتعلم المنصة الهندسية الأكبر في الشرق الأوسط
احجز الأن
سينتهي العرض خلال
احجز الأن عروض نهاية العام من منصة نتعلم المنصة الهندسية الأكبر في الشرق الأوسط
احجز الأن
سينتهي العرض خلال